Joey22 Memorial Scholarship
The Joey22 Memorial Scholarship Fund has been established in memory of Joseph Patrick Finn who lost his life on October 23, 2016 at the young age of 22. Joe was a 2012 graduate of Haverhill High School, he continued his education at UMass Amherst and graduated in 2016 with a degree in Psychology.
2020 Scholarships opening first of the year. More details coming soon.
This year we awarded three scholarships.
Meet the recipients and read their stories »
How to Apply
Write an essay of 1000 to 1500 words.
It is not about your grades, your work or your volunteer activities. It is not about the sports you played or the clubs you belonged to. It’s about you. Tell me about a life struggle you have had and did you overcome it? What would have made it easier for you? Or tell me about a life struggle that you are still in. What are your challenges? Write from your heart, with no fear of judgment.
We all struggle with something, but not everyone talks about it,
this is your opportunity.
Interested applicants can apply by contacting
Jami Dion, Supervisor of Guidance k-12
at Haverhill High School.
All applications for 2019 have been received and we are no longer accepting submissions
2020 Scholarships opening first of the year. More details coming soon.